With the recent Prime Ministerial Decree of 26.04.2020, relating to the management of phase 2 of the epidemic, employers are asked for a commitment to apply the measures contained in the anti-contagion security protocol, introducing important innovations also in terms of privacy.


The management of health data related to Covid-19, the measurement of body temperature and the declarations of origin, for example, are some of the new information that the employer has to deal with. The same applies even more in cases where thermoscanners are installed. This entails the obligation to inform workers and visitors and to update the register of treatments referred to in art. 30 EU Reg. 2016/2016.


Lastly, it should not be forgotten that the organization of remote work – having a significant impact on the management of the company organization – requires, on the one hand, the assessment of the risk on confidentiality regarding the tools used and on the other hand, the adoption of specific company regulations and employee training in smart working.


Based on experience and expertise in specific areas, legal and commercial, Studio STS is available, with its professionals, for consultancy and support activities, as well as for any further study and evaluation.